My wife left in a hurry on Sunday to join a group of Red Cross volunteers heading to Nashua, NH to help run a shelter up there. The Red Cross has 56 shelters in New Hampshire, which has been hit hard by the
current ice storm wreaking havoc over the Northeastern US. I suspect she has ended up at Nashua High School South, where a
breaking news story says 65 folks are sleeping on cots in the gymnasium. Many NH residents are keeping warm in Red Cross shelters because of the lack of power in their own homes. Most of the deaths so far have been the result of carbon monoxide poisoning due to faulty portable heaters in people's residences. The ice storm
paralyzed the city of Nashua on Friday, shutting off electricity to more than a quarter million homes and apartments. The shelters provide warmth and food, but they also keep people safe.

Take a moment and support the American Red Cross. Their disaster relief volunteers helped in the 2008 hurricane season, particularly with Gustav and Ike. Local volunteers help victims of house and apartment fires to find temporary housing, often in the middle of the night. Give generously and volunteer if you can. And be supportive of the workers whenever you have the opportunity.
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