Saturday, November 22, 2008

The FIFO/LIFO of Surnames in Genealogy

In accounting, items are depreciated under First In First Out (FIFO) and Last In First Out (LIFO) rules -- your choice, but you have to stick to the method you've chosen or the IRS gets annoyed. Seems to me there is an equivalent rule in genealogy when it comes to the kids' surnames in multiple marriage and/or non-marriage situations.

A woman named Cindi wrote recently. She was born to a single mother and carried her mother's surname at birth. When her mother married the following year, Cindi's step-father adopted her, giving her his surname. When Cindi married, had a child, divorced and remarried, her second husband adopted the daughter from the first and gave the daughter his surname.

So the choice is FIFO or LIFO. Do Cindi and her daughter appear in my Family Treemaker (FTM) database under their birth name with a reference to their adoptive surnames, or do their adoptive names take precedence? I've chosen to display the adoptive names as the names of record, with the birth names as alternates. I'd be curious what others do.

1 comment:

cjleenerts said...

Thanks Pat. I think it would work either way, but I think I prefer the adoptive names. But would not object to the other way. Six of one - half a dozen of the other!
Thanks for all you do, and I for one appreciate you!
Cindi Leenerts